Oil Free Dry Scroll Air Compressor

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Product Detail

1, imported brands nose; imported brands couplings; using special motors; full rigid pipe flexible connection; high-precision oil separator; energy intake valve; electrical control components imported brands. (See Download)

2, the direct energy: frequency peak current soft-start eliminates the starting time, starting a smooth power supply can reduce equipment costs, reduce the impact on the grid.

3, Sri Lanka can precisely control network drive: to provide the necessary amount of air in the most economical power, complete control of energy consumption. Indirect energy: reduce leakage, outlet smooth, soft start, protect rotor and parts supplies.

4, the compressor is widely used in machinery, power, metallurgy, electric power, electronics, pharmaceuticals, packaging, food, mining, textiles, transportation and other industries to provide complete solutions for compressed air power in these industries.

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Elang Industrial (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

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